Bandrek Abah untuk Stamina

Bandrek adalah minuman tradisional khas Indonesia yang berasal dari Sunda. Minuman ini terbuat dari campuran jahe, gula merah, dan santan. Bandrek biasanya disajikan hangat dan memiliki rasa yang hangat dan manis. Bandrek Abah untuk Stamina dipercaya memiliki banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan, salah satunya adalah meningkatkan stamina. Hal ini karena bandrek mengandung jahe yang memiliki sifat menghangatkan dan meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh. Selain itu, bandrek juga mengandung gula merah yang merupakan sumber energi yang baik.

Bandrek Abah untuk Stamina

Manfaat Bandrek untuk Stamina

Bandrek memiliki beberapa manfaat bagi stamina, yaitu:

  • Meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh

Jahe yang terkandung dalam bandrek memiliki sifat menghangatkan dan meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh. Hal ini dapat membantu meningkatkan pembakaran kalori dan energi, sehingga dapat meningkatkan stamina.

Bandrek Abah untuk Stamina

  • Meningkatkan sirkulasi darah

Jahe juga dapat membantu meningkatkan sirkulasi darah. Hal ini dapat membantu meningkatkan pasokan oksigen dan nutrisi ke otot, sehingga dapat meningkatkan performa fisik.

  • Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh

Bandrek juga dapat membantu meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. Hal ini karena bandrek mengandung antioksidan yang dapat membantu melawan radikal bebas.

Resep Bandrek Abah untuk Stamina

Berikut adalah resep bandrek abah untuk stamina:

  • Bahan-bahan:

    • 1 ruas jahe, dimemarkan
    • 1 sdt gula merah
    • 100 ml santan
    • 100 ml air
  • Cara membuat:

  1. Masukkan jahe, gula merah, santan, dan air ke dalam panci.
  2. Masak dengan api kecil sambil diaduk hingga gula larut dan mendidih.
  3. Angkat dan sajikan hangat.

Tips Membuat Bandrek Abah untuk Stamina

Untuk hasil yang lebih maksimal, gunakan jahe merah yang memiliki kandungan antioksidan lebih tinggi. Anda juga dapat menambahkan bahan-bahan lain yang dapat meningkatkan stamina, seperti telur ayam kampung, madu, atau ginseng.

FAQ seputar Bandrek Abah Ciwidey :

1. What is bandrek?

Bandrek is a traditional Indonesian hot drink made from ginger, brown sugar, and coconut milk. It is usually served warm and has a warm and sweet taste. The word "bandrek" comes from the Sundanese word "bandrék," which means "to warm up."

2. What are the benefits of drinking bandrek?

Bandrek is believed to have many health benefits, including:

  • Boosting immunity: The ginger in bandrek has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties that can help boost your immunity.
  • Improving digestion: Bandrek can help improve digestion by stimulating the production of stomach acid.
  • Relieving muscle pain: The ginger in bandrek can help relieve muscle pain by reducing inflammation.
  • Easing menstrual cramps: Bandrek can help ease menstrual cramps by relaxing the muscles of the uterus.
  • Relieving stress and anxiety: Bandrek has calming properties that can help relieve stress and anxiety.

3. How often should you drink bandrek?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the frequency with which you drink bandrek will depend on your individual needs and health goals. However, most experts recommend drinking bandrek in moderation, as consuming too much ginger can cause heartburn and other digestive problems.

4. Can pregnant women drink bandrek?

Pregnant women should talk to their doctor before drinking bandrek, as the ginger in bandrek can stimulate contractions and may not be safe during pregnancy.

5. Are there any side effects to drinking bandrek?

Bandrek is generally safe for most people when consumed in moderation. However, some people may experience side effects such as heartburn, diarrhea, and stomach upset.

6. How do you make bandrek?

There are many different recipes for bandrek, but the basic ingredients are ginger, brown sugar, and coconut milk. Here is a simple recipe for bandrek:


  • 1-inch piece of ginger, peeled and sliced
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • Water, to taste


  1. Combine the ginger, brown sugar, and coconut milk in a saucepan.
  2. Bring to a boil over medium heat, then reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes.
  3. Strain the mixture into a mug and add water to taste.
  4. Enjoy!

7. Where can I buy bandrek?

Bandrek is widely available in Indonesia. You can find it at most grocery stores, cafes, and street vendors.

8. How much does bandrek cost?

The price of bandrek varies depending on the vendor and location. However, it is generally a very affordable drink.

9. Is bandrek available in other countries?

Bandrek is not as widely available in other countries as it is in Indonesia. However, you may be able to find it at some Indonesian restaurants or online retailers.

10. Are there any different types of bandrek?

Yes, there are many different types of bandrek. Some common variations include:

  • Bandrek abah: This is the most traditional type of bandrek, and it is made with ginger, brown sugar, and coconut milk.
  • Bandrek susu: This type of bandrek is made with ginger, brown sugar, coconut milk, and milk.
  • Bandrek telur: This type of bandrek is made with ginger, brown sugar, coconut milk, and eggs.

11. What is the difference between bandrek and bajigur?

Bandrek and bajigur are both traditional Indonesian hot drinks made with ginger, brown sugar, and coconut milk. However, there are a few key differences between the two drinks:

  • Bandrek: Bandrek is made with fresh ginger, while bajigur is made with dried ginger.
  • Bandrek: Bandrek is typically served warm, while bajigur is typically served hot.
  • Bandrek: Bandrek is often garnished with peanuts or sesame seeds, while bajigur is not typically garnished.

12. What is the best time to drink bandrek?

Bandrek is a great drink to enjoy any time of day. However, it is especially enjoyable on a cold day, as it can help to warm you up from the inside out.

13. What can I eat with bandrek?

Bandrek pairs well with a variety of foods, such as:

  • Cookies: Bandrek is a delicious accompaniment to cookies, especially chocolate chip cookies or ginger snaps.
  • Fruits: Bandrek is a refreshing drink that goes well with fruits, such as oranges, apples, or bananas.
  • Nuts: Bandrek can be enjoyed with a handful of nuts,


Bandrek adalah minuman tradisional yang memiliki banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan, salah satunya adalah meningkatkan stamina. Bandrek dapat dibuat dengan mudah di rumah dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan yang mudah ditemukan.

Agus Duradjak

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